Why We Give Back
We believe in giving back because it’s our responsibility to take care of each other. When you purchase something on our website, we donate a portion from each purchase to the current cause of your choice.
How We Pick Our Causes
Our causes reflect our outlook on maintaining a happy and healthy life: good physical health, good mental health, and maintaining the world in which we live, as stewards of the environment.
Physical Health
We’ve all gotten sick, so we can all relate. But for some of us, it’s a life changing event, something that we need to live with. It’s for times like these those charitable foundations focused on our physical health are so important. The causes we support conduct lifesaving research and studies that lead to advancements in medicine and provide improved care to the physically impaired.
Current Cause
Canadian Cancer Society
The Canadian Cancer Society supports all people with all cancers throughout the entire cancer journey, from diagnosis to survivorship.
Mental Health
The burden of mental disorders continues to grow with significant impacts on physical and mental health, and major social, human rights and economic consequences in all countries of the world. The mental health charities we support, help find improved ways to treat all, or certain types of mental health issues, and work to address the persisting stigma around these types of diseases.
Current Cause
Center For Addiction and Mental Health
CAMH is leader in setting standards for care, research, education and social change, for addiction and mental health.
The Environment
The climate crisis is accelerating at an unprecedented rate. It’s crucial that we all do our part in this fight. The causes that we support all have the same overall goals: the preservation of fragile ecosystems, helping to protect threatened species, and offering sustainable solutions for community development.
Current Cause
World Wildlife Fund Canada
WWF Canada is the country’s largest conservation organization, dedicated to conservation and protection of the natural environment.
Want To Suggest A Cause?
Want to suggest a cause or have a question for us? Contact us at inquiries@morethanourstory.com or send a letter to:
More Than Our Story Inc.
Attn: Charities Department
498 Rosedale Crescent,
Burlington, ON
L7N 2S8, Canada