Our Team


Meet Our Team

More Than Our Story is a health-focused lifestyle website, started to share people’s stories to help inspire and promote healthy, positive, aspirational changes. Meet the team:


Daniel Hight


Cancer survivor, father, triathlete and inspired chef. He founded More Than Our Story to share his story with the goal of inspiring others to greatness.

Denise Gagnon


Rarely without a huge smile on her face, Denise is a highly energetic and passionate person, balancing a professional agency life and family life all while managing to find time to live her best life. Her passions include cooking, snowboarding, swimming and spending time with her family and friends.

Carey Copeling


Husband, father, and fiercely loyal, Carey would give you the shirt off his own back. His skills are seemingly endless; publisher author, painter, writer, and consultant, if there's something you need, he can get it for you.

Joe Tolles


Joe Tolles is a semi-retired, professional hockey player, CrossFit gym owner/operator, and organ donor. He is a down-to-earth person whose work ethic and motivation are infectious.

Jillian Best


Jillian Best is liver transplant recipient, a world record holding swimmer and the first transplant recipient to swim across Lake Ontario. She is also the founder of the Move For Life Foundation, devoted to reducing the wait times for transplant recipients.

Eric Duplain


Eric Duplain defines generosity, kindness and selflessness, and possesses the sheer determination and talent to master whatever he sets his mind to.

Stephen Glass


Stephen is a devoted husband and father and the epitome of pure grit and determination. He tirelessly advocates for multiple sclerosis, and shares about his own journey with MS. He is also a three time IRONMAN and Les Mills U.S. BodyPump Trainer & Presenter.

Teamwork Makes The Dreamwork

Do you want to contribute or know someone that you think should work with us?

Email us at inquiries@morethanourstory.com, or send a letter to:

More Than Our Story Inc.
Attn: Founder
498 Rosedale Crescent,
Burlington, ON, L7N 2S8