More Than Our Story

Canadian Cancer Society

About the Canadian Cancer Society

The Canadian Cancer Society’s vision is a world where no one fears cancer.  They work tirelessly to save and improve lives. Thanks to their donors and volunteers, they’re able to fund groundbreaking cancer research into all types of cancer, provide services to those living with cancer, shape health policies and offer trusted cancer information for all Canadians.  The Canadian Cancer Society supports all people with all cancers in communities across Canada. They are the only national organization dedicated to supporting the entire cancer journey, from diagnosis to survivorship. Today, over 60% of Canadians diagnosed with cancer will survive, compared to about 25% in the 1940s, when they began funding research.

Your Support Matters

With nearly half of Canadians diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, the need for your support has never been greater. Your support of the Canadian Cancer Society will help invest in the best cancer research in Canada, the largest cancer support system in the country, and help advocate on behalf of Canadians for important social change.

Picture of Daniel


Daniel is an extremely curious person, a wealth of random knowledge and facts. Extremely passionate about a vast array of interests ranging from health to history, science to athletics, everything culinary and the list goes on. Trust us, you would want to be on his team for Trivial Pursuit. Daniel is also years into his battle with brain cancer. He experienced a seizure while on a Zoom call at work in late 2020 and quite literally, his life changed within minutes. After his operation he started to talk about his story but had always known it was more than just him. From then, More Than Our Story became a PROJECT that has evolved into the starting point it is today.