Triathlon Tips: The Swim – Don’t Go It Alone
You're not alone. Finding a great coach and team to train with is one of the most important things you can do to improve your swimming.
Triathlon Tips: Overview
Each month we focus on one aspect of the three disciplines, swimming, biking and running, and provide updates on our race season along the way.
Bob Knuckey
Bob Knuckey, 75-year-young, endurance athlete extraordinaire became a 2-time, age-group IRONMAN world champion this year in Nice, France.
Stephen Glaus
Stephen shares his story of grit and determination of how he battles multiple sclerosis and his journey to becoming a three time IRONMAN.
Why I Love Triathlon
How triathlon helps maintain my positivity, gives me a sense of accomplishment, a supportive community, and has helped me come to terms with my illness.
Greg Robertson
Greg Robertson shares about his enthusiasm for triathlon, his ambassadorship for the Somersault race series and his goals for 2023 and beyond.
How I Got Bitten by the Tri Bug
Denise shares her emotional story as she follows Dan on his first IronMan 70.3 journey since his life-changing operation.
Setting Yourself Up For Triathlon Success
Learn about some of the variables and strategies to consider when choosing the right race to set yourself up for triathlon success.