Brandon Throop
Brandon shares his story, from his diagnosis with non-Hodgkin lymphoma to his aggressive treatment and current remission from the disease. He also talks about his fundraising.
Joe Tolles CrossFit Series: December ’23
Joe wraps up the year and the dumbbell portion of the series with the Dumbbell Snatch.
Joe Tolles CrossFit Series: November ’23
This month on the dumbbells Joe Tolles tackles the challenging Devil Press.
Joe Tolles CrossFit Series: October ’23
Moving on now to the ubiquitous dumbbell and this month we’re learning the Dumbbell Thruster.
Bob Knuckey
Bob Knuckey, 75-year-young, endurance athlete extraordinaire became a 2-time, age-group IRONMAN world champion this year in Nice, France.
Joe Tolles CrossFit Series: September ’23
Our final gymnastic movement on the pull-up bar for this month is the one and only: Bar Muscle-Up.
Joe Tolles CrossFit Series: August ’23
Next up on the pull-up bar, the infamous CrossFit pull-up: The Kipping Pull-Up.
Joe Tolles CrossFit Series: July ’23
We’re moving to the pull-up bar for our next series of movements. First up is the core-focused movement: Toes To Bar.
Why I Love Triathlon
How triathlon helps maintain my positivity, gives me a sense of accomplishment, a supportive community, and has helped me come to terms with my illness.
Tips To Keeping Active
24 hours, where do they go? We never seem to have enough time to stay in shape. Here are some great tips to help you find time to keep active.
Joe Tolles CrossFit Series: June ’23
In the final installment of our current three-part series, Joe breaks down the mechanics behind his favorite CrossFit movement: the Squat Snatch.
Choosing The Right Running Shoe
Choosing the right running shoe can be difficult, this guide will help simplify many of your choices and considerations.