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Joe Tolles CrossFit Series: July '22

Workout Of The Month

Life is a Highway

3 Rounds For Time:

1000/800 Meter Row (Men/Women)
1 Mile Run

*Score = Time it takes to complete the workout.

What Was My Approach With This Workout?

(Cardio Day)

I wanted a longer aerobic threshold. We train a lot of anaerobic here, with a lot of quick sprints and a lot of intervals – that’s mainly CrossFit style. But, as much as we need to do CrossFit style workouts, we need to strength train and do long endurance pieces as well. So today was a long breather, a find your pace, stick with it, long runtime style of workout.

What Do You Expect To Be Challenging?

I knew the pacing would be challenging. We row so much at CrossFit we all knew the row would be manageable – I wanted to challenge people on the run. Knowing that their run would slow down, I wanted to see how they would mentally handle that. Whether they would come back from their run, get back on their rower and pick up their pace to where they left off, or whether they would let their run dictate their workout, and fall apart after the first one. That’s the challenge.

What Do I Expect People To Like About This?

A crazy thing is the longer and harder the workout, usually people like those more. I’m 

the same, if I know it’s going to be something crazy – I’m up for the challenge. 


I knew people would enjoy it – it’s a change of pace. CrossFit style workouts – 20 

minutes is kind of the limit for how long those are, so if you get a good 40 plus minute 

workout, it’s a good dose of something everybody needs sometimes.

When you get done, you feel accomplished... You’re done, you’re sweating, you're thirsty, you're tired… That’s a cool thing!

What Modifications Are Applicable?

Lots of things. We have some people that can’t run so you could bike or use the skier. You could also do burpees, box jumps, step-ups, double unders, any of those. My mentality with this workout was that the row was going to be somewhere between three and five minutes for most, and the run was going to be between seven and ten minutes for most. So I would choose a modification that takes the same amount of time.

Difficulty Level?


This is really dependent on the person, but I would say four. For the average population it’s a pretty high difficulty level for sure.

North Shore Athletic Club

Picture of Joe Tolles

Joe Tolles

Joe Tolles is a semi-retired, professional hockey player, CrossFit gym owner/operator, and organ donor. He is a down-to-earth person whose work ethic and motivation are infectious.

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Joe Tolles is a semi-retired, professional hockey player, CrossFit gym owner/operator, organ donor, and inspiration to others.