More Than Our Story

Spicy Turkey and Shishito Pepper Ragu

Spicy Turkey and Shishito Pepper Ragu​.

Total Time: 20 Minutes

Serves: 4 – 6

Lean Animal Protein

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This ragu is a revelation – spicy, garlicky, and so flavorful you won’t believe it. Perfect with your carb of choice – add to potatoes for a hash or one-pan meal, top rice, pasta or even your favorite bread. Everything comes together in perfect harmony, with the shishito peppers leading the way in this bomba sauce inflected lean turkey ragu.


  • 2lbs extra lean ground turkey
  • 1lb cherry tomatoes
  • 1 head of garlic, minced
  • 1 zucchini, coarsely chopped
  • Shisito peppers (approx 227 grams, or 2-4 handfuls, diced into 1” pieces)
  • Olive Oil (preferably a spice-infused extra virgin variety)
  • Bomba sauce (Calabrian hot chili sauce), ½ cup or more
  • Dried oregano
  • Sea salt
  • Fresh cracked black pepper

Shishito peppers are an East Asian variety of pepper. Hotter than green bell peppers, but more mild than jalapenos - one in every ten peppers has the potential to be spicier than the rest. They can be found at most grocery stores now and are commonly served blister with salt and pepper.

Cherry Tomatoes: Lycopene is found cherry tomatoes, it is the plant-based antioxidant that gives them their red color. It is linked to numerous health benefits ranging from heart health, to protection against sunburns and certain types of cancers, including cancers of the lung, stomach, prostate, colon, mouth, throat and esophagus.


  1. Prepare all ingredients in advance.
  2. Cook turkey, add salt and pepper to taste, then set aside.
  3. Heat a pan over medium-high heat, add olive oil and garlic, saute a minute.
  4. Add zucchini and tomatoes, toss in pan until cooked and tomatoes can be squished with the back of a spoon or spatula.
  5. Add back turkey and shishito peppers – season with bomba sauce, oregano, and salt and pepper.
  6. Reduce heat to a high simmer once hot and cook until peppers are ready to eat. Fold over often to thoroughly mix the bomba and turkey.
  7. Serve immediately!


  • Ragu can be stored in the fridge for up to 3-4 days.
  • Place any unused ragu into a freezer bag or container and it will keep for up to six months.
Picture of Daniel


Daniel is an extremely curious person, a wealth of random knowledge and facts. Extremely passionate about a vast array of interests ranging from health to history, science to athletics, everything culinary and the list goes on. Trust us, you would want to be on his team for Trivial Pursuit. Daniel is also years into his battle with brain cancer. He experienced a seizure while on a Zoom call at work in late 2020 and quite literally, his life changed within minutes. After his operation he started to talk about his story but had always known it was more than just him. From then, More Than Our Story became a PROJECT that has evolved into the starting point it is today.

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