More Than Our Story

HEROES US ALL Become inspired by stories of greatness HEALTHY LIVING Tips and suggestions for keeping healthy BREAK A SWEAT Workout tips to keep you sweating. INSPIRED EATING From plant-based meals to quick snacks REAL.
Live everyday to its fullest
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More Than Our Story

Welcome to More Than Our Story. The company was conceived shortly after its founder was diagnosed with brain cancer. He founded More Than Our Story to share his story with others, promote ways to live healthier, more active lives, and share stories of other survivors and everyday heroes. We hope you find the articles and hero profiles as educational and inspiring as we do. Also, check out our shop, where we donate a portion of all sales to our current causes.

Heroes Us All

All around us walk heroes. Some we know, others we remain unaware of, but all share the courage, strength, and commitment they display. More Than Our Story was conceived around shining a light on these everyday heroes and inspiring readers to strive for greatness. The articles below are profiles of everyday heroes. Inside each of us lies a hero.

Current Profile

John Amanam shares his inspiration for founding Immortal Cosmetic Art Ltd., Africa's leading producer of hyper-realistic prostheses.

Health & Wellness

Health and wellness are often used as popular catchphrases these days. To us, it’s simple: Live life with a positive outlook and care for your body and mind inside and out. The articles below focus on practices and techniques that can be incorporated into your life to ensure optimal health and wellness physically, mentally, and spiritually.

In today’s world, sleep often takes a backseat to work, social obligations, and screen time, but its importance cannot be overlooked.

Anxiety is the body’s natural response to stress, something that everyone deals with; let’s review some methods for managing it.


Maintaining an active lifestyle is crucial to a long, happy, healthy life. The articles below share workouts, techniques, and strategies to help you achieve your fitness goals.

From Our Kitchen To You

What we fuel ourselves with determines how well we feel, heal, and perform. There are no shortcuts to health, happiness, and an active lifestyle. However, these articles strive to inspire and remove some guesswork from the age-old question, “What’s for dinner?” Some inspired eating, from our kitchen to you.

Cajun seasoning is a robust, versatile and flavorful blend of spices commonly used in Cajun cuisine to add heat and flavor to dishes.


There’s more to life than eating well and staying active. The following articles will help inspire you to get up, get out, and live your best life.

How triathlon helps maintain my positivity, gives me a sense of accomplishment, a supportive community, and has helped me come to terms with my illness.

My Journey

Follow along with our founder, Daniel Hight, as he lays bare his thoughts and experiences with his journey with brain cancer.

2025 is here, and I’m thriving and more optimistic than ever. I’ve set a few directives to adhere to this year to become my best self.

With the summer ending, I reflect upon recent personal, physical and mental adversities my family and I have had to endure, and look forward to a new year.

Shop More Than Our Story

Part of every purchase goes towards our cause of your choice, so buy some More Than Our Story clothing and merchandise and help support others.