More Than Our Story

Soy Wrap Cones

A homemade soy wrap roll.

Total Time: ~30 minutes

Servings: 2-4

Vegan, Vegatarian, Animal Protein – It’s up to you!

Table of Contents


Sushi cones, or temaki, are a beloved staple of Japanese cuisine, offering a fun and interactive way to enjoy the flavors of sushi. Traditionally wrapped in nori (seaweed), sushi cones have evolved, with soy wraps made from compressed soybeans emerging as a new, popular and versatile twist on the traditional form.

So whether you’re a seasoned sushi chef, or a curious beginner, gather your ingredients – even your leftovers – and unleash your creativity and enjoy the delicious journey of creating your own homemade soy wrap cones.


  1. Versatility and Flavor: Soy wraps are incredibly versatile and can be used in various culinary creations beyond sushi cones. Their neutral taste of the soft wraps allow the ingredients inside the cone to shine without being overpowered by the taste of seaweed, allowing them to complement a wider range of fillings and creative vegetarian and vegan options.
  2. Dietary Preferences: For individuals with dietary restrictions or allergies, soy wraps offer an alternative to seaweed. They are often gluten-free and cater to those following a plant-based diet, making them an inclusive choice for diverse dietary needs.
  3. Visual Appeal: The array of colors available in soy wraps adds a festive touch to any dish. Whether you’re hosting a party or preparing a special meal, the bright colors of soy wraps can make your soy wrap cones a centerpiece that’s as beautiful as it is delicious.


  • Soy Wraps: These are available in various colors and flavors.
  • Rice: Typically sushi rice, but anything can be substituted (even noodles).
  • Vegetables: Think crunch, flavor and texture! Things like cucumber, avocado, carrots, and radishes are sure to please.
  • (Optional) Animal Protein: Sashimi-grade fish or your choice of cooked meats.
  • Toppings: This is where you add your special touch. Things that will compliment and stand out against the other ingredients: Nuts and seeds such as sesame seeds, macadamias or peanuts, and other toppings such as shichimi togarashi, tobiko, pickled ginger, wasabi or other fiery additions.
  • Dips: This is the final component to your soy wrap. It’s up to the eater how much they want to use – traditional sauces like soy or yuzu are great choices, or you could get creative with peanut sauce or sweet thai chili.


  1. Prepare the Sushi Rice: Rinse 2 cups of sushi rice under cold water until the water runs clear. Cook the rice according to package instructions. Once cooked, fold in a mixture of 1/4 cup rice vinegar, 2 tbsp sugar, and 1 tsp salt. Let the rice cool to room temperature.
  2. Prepare the Fillings:
    • Animal Proteins or Vegan Alternatives: Slice sashimi-grade fish, cooked meats, or vegan alternatives like tofu or tempeh into thin strips.
    • Vegetables: Julienne and slice your desired vegetables and vegan options for easy wrapping.
  3. Assemble the Sushi Cones: 
    • Place a soy wrap sheet on a flat surface. Spoon a small amount of rice onto the wrap and spread it diagonally.
    • Add strips of protein and vegetables on top of the rice. Sprinkle sesame seeds and add any additional toppings.
    • Fold the bottom corner of the soy wrap over the filling, then roll it into a cone shape, securing the end by gently pressing.
  4. Serve: Serve the soy wrap sushi cones with soy sauce and wasabi on the side. Enjoy the burst of flavors and the satisfying crunch of fresh vegetables.

One of the joys of making soy wrap cones is the opportunity to experiment with different ingredients and cuisines. From classic sushi flavors to innovative vegan options, the possibilities are endless. Think beyond Japanese cuisine with this limitless preparation: Thai, Mexican and Peruvian food all have endless creativity to bring something to this party.


  1. Traditional Japanese: Sushi rice, sushi-grade salmon, avocado, tobiko, sesame seed, served with soy and wasabi.
  2. Mexican: Grilled shrimp, mexican rice, salsa, served with cilantro, toasted pumpkin seeds and hot sauce
  3. Korean: Kalbi (Korean BBQ short ribs, sushi rice, Kimchi, bean sprouts, served gochujang (korean chili paste).
  4. Pictured Above: Red lettuce, sushi rice, sushi-grade salmon, avocado, cucumber, pickled radishes, tobiko, shichimi togarashi, served with soy and wasabi, in a sesame seed soy wrap.


  • Soy wraps are an excellent alternative for those who do not like the taste of nori.
  • There’s really no limit to your creativity, try substituting sesame seeds for roasted peanuts, and raw fish for grilled meats of any type.
  • You could even host a party, prepare a bunch of filling and have people roll their own.
  • This recipe is perfect for pulling together a quick, tasty meal from leftovers in your fridge.
Picture of Daniel


Daniel is an extremely curious person, a wealth of random knowledge and facts. Extremely passionate about a vast array of interests ranging from health to history, science to athletics, everything culinary and the list goes on. Trust us, you would want to be on his team for Trivial Pursuit. Daniel is also years into his battle with brain cancer. He experienced a seizure while on a Zoom call at work in late 2020 and quite literally, his life changed within minutes. After his operation he started to talk about his story but had always known it was more than just him. From then, More Than Our Story became a PROJECT that has evolved into the starting point it is today.

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